Grenade Game
Game lig Goldball - What should I do to play the Gold-Ball game? : Goldball - What should I do to play the Gold-Ball game?
Gold miner game like toy hacked gold miner toy hacked gold minor gold miner gold minor friv gold miner friv chirsmas gold miner gold miner chirsmas gold miner valentine gold miner gold miner valentine gold miner 2 player hacked gold miner 2 player hacked VALENTINER 2 PLAYER gold miner VALENTINER 2 PLAYER diner dash5 gold miner diner dash5 Dragon ball gt gold miner Dragon ball gt car raising gold miner car raising
Each episode needs to drop the grenades with different obstacles and drop them up to the trinkets and blow up. For this, you should throw the bombs at accurate, at the right angle and speed. Remember that there is a limited number of bombs.
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